Summer 2022

Summer on the Lake

I remember coming across a meme earlier this year I thought was funny at the time. It said, and I am paraphrasing, 2022 is 2020 too!!! The author wanted to warn us that uncertain times were not over yet, jokingly.

Full of optimism, as we can be at the dawn of a new year, I quickly dismissed the humorous quote, wishfully thinking that being more positive would take us down a different path from the one we have been traveling since 2020.

The first part of the year started the way 2021 ended, a mix of good and crazy with everything in between. But summer was arriving with the promise of vacation, picnics in the park, and fun times with friends and family on everyone’s minds.

There was no way to predict what would happen next. My first defining moment of the summer of 2022 was the transition of my friend, brother, mentor, and sponsor SE. He had been a constant in my life for the past decade, always there when I needed support, re-alignment, and a good conversation among two people who genuinely loved and understood each other. We were united in that we shared the belief that a life without purpose was a life without joy, and if you were not impacting others’ lives, you were missing the essence and meaning of life. And so, in our frequent calls, we established goals, followed up on progress, and strategized how to help our community achieve, shine, and have a seat at the table. And he was delivering. Every Day!

My friend was powerful!

And that word may not be enough to describe him. He lived a life of integrity, purpose, and alignment with higher values that he never failed to demonstrate, no matter the circumstances or the people involved. He would drop everything to help the CEO and service providers. He treated everyone with respect and demanded the same. My brother was a self-made man with intelligence, wit, and immense curiosity for other cultures, philosophy, and just good conversation.

What I remember most, however, is how powerful he was.

And that is the lesson I choose to retain from his life. The ability to recognize personal power, understand its source and foundation, and cultivate the traits that nurture it and make it abundant.

Today, I demand the same of myself.

Indeed, I have power. Indeed, for all the time we spent speaking with each other, he had taught me to recognize personal power and its source. Certainly, I could honor him by practicing more intentionally what we spent hours discussing. As a result, I started identifying areas where I surrendered my power to others and circumstances. It was time to claim it back.

That is how I spent Summer 2022: reclaiming my power.

It has been an empowering experience. Things I was afraid of addressing, people whom, in the past, I let get away with slights and offenses, no more!

I also recognize the high level of responsibility and discipline that comes with using my power. There are character traits that are expected of a powerful individual. These traits must be recognized and cultivated: a solid moral and ethical compass, being genuine, truthful, honest, authentic, firm, and kind. These qualities are only a start. More importantly, I must be mindful of my thoughts, words, and actions and how I sustain my inner life. Connecting to the Source of all and feeding my soul to remain in my truth are ways to build and maintain the foundation of being and living in personal power.

And it is exhilarating and sobering at once.

I realized that no one is more powerful when I choose to take my power back from a relationship (whether personal or professional), that is not fulfilling and satisfying at best, manipulative and abusive at worst. I also realized that no one has power over my life unless I allow them. And while exercising my power, I built up my power muscles.

Once I owned this truth, I started to change my circumstances. I started reaching out to and interacting with people who add value to my journey and hold me accountable to my truth. Soon, situations I thought were hopeless or not of my power to resolve started to evolve to meet my new expectations. Once I decided to tap into my reserve of resolve, resilience, and strength, I began to influence my circumstances and change the nature of personal and professional relationships for the better. And I made some serious Boss Moves.

And I thank SE for this transformation. I wish he were still there to witness, encourage and support me when I falter in my resolve. But then I think of his half smile and how he would tell me to put on my Big Girl Panties and deal with it. And I end my pity party, pick up my big girl panties, and move on.

I still have not accepted SE’s transition and how suddenly he left us, but he has poured a lot into many. His time to rest had arrived. And it is up to us, his numerous mentees, to carry on his legacy. A powerful one, I must add.

Be blessed, my brother. I am so, so grateful for our times together. Safe travels to the Light!


Regine is a Transportation Executive with a long record of leadership and excellence. Regine uses her professional success to enrich her life and others’ through creative and philanthropic initiatives in the US and Haiti. She seeks to sustain her Joy and live with Purpose.

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